25 January 2009

Zeigeist - The truth we've been waiting for!

Hey people!
Watch it please! If you want to Peace and Love around the world just watch it.

Eyes wide open?

I wanna know what do you think about it, so please leave a comment:)

17 January 2009

'Nadzieja' by Bart. Copyrights.

Wielokolorowe zwierciadla wschodzace jak miliony slonc wokol Ciebie, 
Pozwol im wypelnic wnetrze, w odbiciu ujrzysz innego siebie.
A gdy noca wewnenetrzne swiatlo nie pozwoli Ci spac,
Pozwol mu jasniec to znak ze milosc jest w nas.
Jest slowo na ktore z utesknieniem,
czekasz kazda chwile, a jest ich
wiele. Wiedz ze jak kazy
ja tez mam


4 January 2009

Anna Maria

Polish 1960s rock band 'Red Guitars'


bo artysta cierpiący tworzy najpiękniej - cause suffering artist is creating the most beautiful.

I love this song!!! It's so true, sincere and tender, nobody writes songs like this one in nowadays. I'm gonna play cover of that for my friends in Poland and it will be available on my myspace page (www.myspace.com/bartmyspace) soon!!! 

Peace and Love folks

And please write me what do you think about it:)