2 April 2009


Wow, I didn't write here a long time, but don't worry I'm gonna start do it again. So Couple weeks ago I found some thing very interesting about little country called Courland liege of Poland and their colonies! http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5539/courland/courland.html 
here is whole text, I hope you will enjoy it, more over not only polish liege had a colonies is Africa and North America, Poland did too! Unfortunately you can't now about it from lessons of history... However this post is about Courland (next one is going to be about Poland:)
Wow, niepisalem tutaj juz dlugo, ale nie martwcie sie, z powrotem zaczynam. Wiec kilka tygodni temu odkrylem interesujace rzeczy na temat malutkiego panstwa, Kurlandii (wasala Polski) i jej koloni!
http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurlandzka_kolonizacja_w_Gambii http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowa_Kurlandia
Tutaj sa pojedyncze artykuly. Mam nadzieje ze zainteresuje was to. Co wiecej nie tylko Kurlandia miala swoje kolonie ale Polska rowniez! Jakkolwiek ten post jest na temat Kurlandii (nastepny bedzie o Polsce;).
Here is a map of a Courland's colonies in Africa: / Tutaj zamieszczam mape koloni Kurlandii w Afryce:

And in America: / I w Ameryce:

Some facts: Courland is the smallest country which had colonies in America and in their country lived only 200 000 people!
Fakty: Kurlandia jest najmniejszym panstwem kolonizujacym Ameryke a w samej Kurlandii zylo tylko 200 000 ludzi!

Oh and one more thing, Here was Courland;p : // A tutaj byla Kurlandia;p :

If you are interested just go on this website and enjoy! Thanks for reading my blog! I'm waiting for your comments and questions! 
Jesli was to interesuje wejdzcie na te strony i poczytajcie:) Dzieki za czytanie mojego blogu! Czekam na wasze komentarze i pytania!

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